The solemn meeting of the enterprise’s personnel devoted to the “Mechanical Engineer’s Day” professional holiday took place on 25 September. A large group of employees were awarded honorary diplomas, all employees received cash bonuses. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board Volodymyr Yelisyeyev, the Chairman of the Lugansk Regional Military and Civil Administration Georgii Tuka and pupils of the supported school congratulated the personnel. 

“Today, integrating and using the best advanced technologies, training the personnel, we create economic basis for our integration into the world markets. We do our best for Ukraine to move into the world of high technologies not in words, but in practice. Let we wish you good health and creative success. Merry Mechanical Engineer’s Day!”, – said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Severodonetsk RPA “Impulse” Volodymyr Yelisyeyev.

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SRPA “Impulse” is a leading Ukrainian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of highly-reliable instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering and railways.
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