The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SRPA “Impulse” Volodymyr Yelisyeyev took part in the meeting of the operations centre as to implementation of the modernized nuclear fuel manufactured by the Westinghouse Company (ТВС-WR) at power units of Ukrainian NPPs, the meetin...

The news that the first freight train had passed the new Beskid Tunnel from Ukraine to Europe slightly moderated yen for positive news, shortage of which has been especially felt by ordinary Ukrainians in the recent years. Though, celebrating completion of five-year-long construction of ...

In May 2018, the acceptance testing of the accident and post-accident monitoring system (PAMS) for unit 3 of Rivne NPP was carried out at the site of PJSC “SRPA “Impulse”, the system was created within...

On 24 May 2018, pupils of the tenth form of the multidiscipline lyceum (the physical and mathematical department) visited SRPA “Impulse”.


SRPA “Impulse” is a leading Ukrainian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of highly-reliable instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering and railways.
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