On 11 December, the former Director General of Research and Production Association “Impulse” Andrii Novokhatnii turned 90.


On 10 November 2015, PJSC “SRPA “Impulse”, the leading Ukrainian developer, manufacturer and supplier of highly reliable instrumentation and control systems for NPPs, and SE “NNEGC “Energoatom” completed the tender procedure and concluded the contract for supply of the complex dia...

In October 2015, the design-arranged power supply system for medium and large stations (PKSEP) developed and manufactured at PJSC “SRPA “Impulse” was put into trial operation at the Kryvyi Rig station. 


The solemn meeting of the enterprise’s personnel devoted to the “Mechanical Engineer’s Day” professional holiday took place on 25 September. A large group of employees were awarded honorary diplomas, all employees received cash bonuses. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board Volodymyr Yelisyey...

On 22-24 September 2015, the representatives of Severodonetsk RPA “Impulse” participated in the XIII International Forum “Fuel and Energy Complex of Ukraine: the Present and the Future” that was taking place at the territory of the International Exhibition Centre in Kiev.


SRPA “Impulse” is a leading Ukrainian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of highly-reliable instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering and railways.
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